Between July 2008 and June 2010, the Passion MSX website has organized two editions of a contest to promote the creation of new MSX2 games. Something very similar to the MSXdev’ contest, don’t you think ?! It has provided 4 games, 2 per edition. We have just added these games to the Other section.

Besides the games, you will also find the results of the contests. If the winner of the 1st edition was already known, it was not the case for the second edition. Due to different problems, these results had been delayed. Finally, they are here, on this website, especially because Passion MSX is no more active and as his “follower”, I mean the MSX blue website, is no interested in the launching of an eventual 3rd edition. The prizes of the 2nd edition will soon be sent to the developers.
Check the [Other] section !
Important note about Jailbreak : an improved and bugfixed version 1.02 is available on the Infinite website.