This contest was organized between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2009 by Passion MSX. The goal was to promote the creation of new MSX2 games in the same way as the MSXdev’ contest for MSX1 games.
2 games were submitted. The jury was composed with 3 judges (details below the last game of the contest). Results by the jury of this edition can be checked here.
Game entries
1 – Shift

Team : Infinite
Game genre : Thinking
Year : 2009
ROM Format : MSX 256 KB ROM
Downloads (ROM + Manual + Sticker)
- version 1.0 submitted to the contest : Shift 1.0
- version 1.1 : Shift 1.1
2 – Equivocal

Team : The New Image (TNI)
Game genre : Shooter
Year : 2009
ROM Format : MSX 32 KB ROM
Downloads (ROM + Manual + Sticker)
- version 1.0 submitted to the contest : Equivocal 1.0
- version 1.5 : Equivocal 1.5
Announcement of the contest
The Passion MSX team (SuperCobra and mars2000) is very proud to announce the launch of a game development contest dedicated to the second generation of the MSX standard : MSX2 !!! As for the MSXdev’ contest, focused on MSX1, we hope that many new games of high quality will see the daylight to become source of fun for many gamers.
The deadline is fixed to 30 June 2009 23h59 CET, allowing you a full year to develop a beautiful and wonderful game. You can also inform us about your project before submitting it so that Passion MSX can announce it. This will also give you the opportunity to openly discuss it through our forums.
The e-mail address for all your contacts with the Passion MSX team concerning this contest is passionmsx2@msxblue.com
A money-prize loot of €999 will be shared between the best 3 projects
1st prize – Best Project will win 433 €.
2nd prize – Runner Up will win 333 €.
3rd prize – Second Runner Up will win 233 €.
A jury will appreciate the games and make the decision for these prizes. It is composed as following : the Passion MSX team (SuperCobra and mars2000) and Daniel Vik, main coder of the blueMSX emulator and author of great MSX1 demos and games.
Rules of the contest
1 – Format of the game
The game needs to be submitted under the form of a ROM file with a mazimum size of 512 kb. Smaller games are of course allowed.
2 – Allowed mappers
To allow maximum compatibility with real machines, only the following mappers will be accepted for MegaROMs : konami without SCC, konami with SCC, ASCII 8KB and ASCII 16KB.
For more infos about these mappers, check this technical document :
3 – Programming language
You can use the programming language of your choice, but of course assembler is strongly recommended.
Other compiled and/or interpreted languages are perfectly admissible. MSX BASIC can be used as well, when converted into a ROM file.
4 – MSX2 compatibility
The submitted game needs to be fully compatible with the following MSX2 configuration :
- CPU : Zilog Z80A (or clone) running at 3,579 MHz inside the MSX Engine
- VDP : Yamaha V9938
- PSG : AY-3-8910 or compatible sound chip (Yamaha YM2149)
- Cassette interface: 1200/2400 baud
- Memory Mapper system
- RAM : 64 KB (memory-mapped)
- VRAM : 128 KB
5 – MSX2+ and MSXturboR compatibility
The submitted game needs also to work without any problem on MSX2+ and MSXturboR machines. If is not the case, penalties will be applied on the score by the jury.
6 – Strict MSX2 tricks and features
The submitted game needs to be developed specifically for the above mentioned MSX2 configuration. It means that
- screens 0 to 3 can be used, but don’t forget that you are developing a MSX2 game, so think about the specific MSX2 features of these screens when developing the game (for example : definition of the color palette);
- screens 4 to 8 can of course be used;
- the rom submitted to the contest can contain bonuses on an hidden and de-activated way such as other sounds than PSG or specific MSX2+ or MSXturboR tricks (the activation will need to press on a specific key with as result the detection of the required hardware).
Outside the contest and after the contest, you are free to release an enhanced version with for example MSX-MUSIC sounds or MSX2+ tricks. It can be a version where these bonuses have been added as they were not present in the version submitted to the contest, it can also be a version where these bonuses, initially hidden and de-activated, are now activated without need to press on a specific key.
Only the submitted version in the contest will be judged. The eventual bonuses will not give additionnal points in the jury’s decision.
7 – Originality
Preference is given to original games, but non-original concept games will be also accepted. This includes conversions from arcades and/or other console or computer systems, as well as adaptations of already existent games.
However, recompiled games are not acceptable. Already released games or hacked games will not be accepted either. Also, direct graphic or music rips from other authors used without permission won’t be acceptable.
In case of doubt, the organization is entitled to ask for proofs, such as the source code of the game. Any suspicious game would be disqualified if the organization decides so.
8 – Package
The submitted package needs to include the following elements :
- the ROM file in its definitive version;
- the games instructions written in English;
- a high-resolution cartridge full-colour sticker.
Only the game itself will be judged.
9 – Status and distribution
All submitted games are freeware, even after the contest closes. Enhanced versions that are released after and outside the contest will also have to be freeware, if the concerned improvements were already present on a hidden and de-activated way in the version submitted to the contest. In the contrary case, the developper decides in full freedom the status of the enhanced version.
The freeware status needs to be mentioned in the instructions. Any freeware license can be used, as long as the full game can be freely obtained by the users.
Any finished game will be distributed exclusively through Passion MSX till the contest closes. After July 1st, 2009, developers are allowed to re-distribute their game(s) through different media as long as they are downloadable for free.
Should developpers wish to distribute their games on e.g. a cartridge, they are free to do so and fix a fair price for it as long as the user still can get the alternative to download the following versions for free from the internet : the submitted version to the contest and the improved versions if the bonuses were hidden and de-activated in the version submitted to the contest.
Beta versions used for debugging and testing purposes are allowed, but they should be only distributed to beta-testers.
10 – Jury’s decision
By submitting a game to this contest, the developers accept to be judged on the following points : graphics/visual, musics/sfx, gameplay, originality and polish. All participants will accept the final decision of the jury.
Good luck !