MSX-BASIC 2012 Contest : Alicia

The MSX-BASIC 2012 Contest organized by provides us a fourth finished game !

Alicia is an adventure game in text mode, created by José Soto Gandara (joesg), a Spanish coder who has tried to summarize the Lewis Carroll book in an original game, divided into 5 parts with a password at the end of a part to get access to next part.

This game is released under the form of 5 CAS files. Here’s how to create the DSK and ROM versions :
- download the .zip file
- unzip it
- create a blank DSK image with Disk Manager
- insert the DSK file in the virtual A drive of blueMSX
- insert the Carga1.cas file in the virtual tape port of blueMSX
- launch blueMSX (MSX1, 2 or 2+ machine) and press CTRL while booting
- enter LOAD”CAS:”
- replace RUN on line 1990 by RUN”ALICE2.BAS”
- save the file on DSK by SAVE “AUTOEXEC.BAS”
- insert the Carga2.cas file in the virtual tape port of blueMSX
- enter LOAD”CAS:”
- replace RUN on line 1260 by RUN”ALICE3.BAS”
- save the file on DSK by SAVE “ALICE2.BAS”
- insert the Carga3.cas file in the virtual tape port of blueMSX
- enter LOAD”CAS:”
- replace RUN on line 1300 by RUN”ALICE4.BAS”
- save the file on DSK by SAVE “ALICE3.BAS”
- insert the Carga4.cas file in the virtual tape port of blueMSX
- enter LOAD”CAS:”
- replace RUN on line 1300 by RUN”ALICE5.BAS”
- save the file on DSK by SAVE “ALICE4.BAS”
- insert the Carga5.cas file in the virtual tape port of blueMSX
- enter LOAD”CAS:”
- save the file on DSK by SAVE “ALICE5.BAS”
- use DSK2ROM with the parameters -fc 1 to create the ROM version (mapper : Konami SCC)

MSX-BASIC 2012 Contest


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