Repository of new MSX Games

Since 2012, this site is no more the official website for the MSXdev’ contests. After some evolution to promote and announce also other MSX contests, it seems me better that all the news about current MSX contests are concentrated on the most important website of the MSX community : MSX Resource Center (MRC). So, you will no more find news on MSXblue-dev about announced entries, finished games, unfinished games, …. The best thing to do is to visit MRC and the websites of the contests.

With this decision, MSXblue-dev will only be a repository of new MSX games, released inside or outside a contest. In some cases, you’ll find no any file on the site, but I will give you a link to find the game. I will also continue to give tips to convert games in the DSK and ROM formats, because they are the more easy formats to use, especially in an emulator.

As logical consequence of this decision, I’ve disabled the comments. MSXblue-dev becomes therefore a ‘classical’ simple website, just like in the beginnings of Internet! If you have some comments to make, go to MRC!

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